Der 27. Österreichische Automatisierungstag an der 

Technischen Universität Wien (click here)



2013, June 6. - 8.

Prishtina, Kosovo


IFAC International Workshop on International Stability , Technology and Culture,  SWIIS  2013,  SWIIS 2013 Report


2013, June 26. - 28.


Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium (8th  IAV 2013)


2013, September 6. - 9


9. IFAC-Symposium “Nonlinear Control Systems - NOLCOS 2013”, Toulouse


2013, October 17

Linz, Austria


Der 28. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Linz (click here)



2014, April 24

Vienna, TU


Univ. Prof. John Lygeros,  IFAC Treasurer,   Cyber-Security of SCADA systems



2014, October 24



Der 29. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Wien (click here)



2014, November 5 and 6 Buenos Aires


3. Argentinisch - Österreichischer Automatisierungstag in Buenos Aires (click here)



2015, October 16



Der 30. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Wien (click here)



2016, October 14



Der 31. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Wien (click here)



2016, October 26 - 28



17th  annual international conference of the IFAC TC 9.5  (TECIS 2016)


2017, April  27, Vienna


Prof. Hajime Asama,    Human-System Interaction for Service RT Systems


2017, July 9 - 14,



20th  IFAC  World Congress


2017, October 13,



Der 32. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Wien  (click here)


2018, April 19



Prof. Carlos Eduardo Pereira,  Research on Cyber-Physical Systems for Automation Applications


2018, September 13 - 15

Baku, Aserbaijan


TECIS  2018



2018, October 12, Vienna


Der 33. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Wien (click here)


2019, September  26 - 28

Sozopol, Bulgaria


13th  IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2019)



2019, October 18, Vienna


Der 34. Österreichische Automatisierungstag in Wien (click here)


2020, July  11th-17th,

Berlin, Germany


21st  IFAC World Congress in Berlin, Germany (click here)



2021, September  14 - 17

Moscow, Russia


20th  IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2021)



2022, October 26-28

Prishtina, Kosovo

21st  IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2022)


 2023, July 9-14 Yokohama, Japan


 22nd  IFAC World Congress in Yokohama, Japan






 For further events of IFAC see
