Austria is one of the founding members of IFAC. The Austrian national member organisation (NMO) was the Austrian Centre for Productivity and Efficiency (Österreichisches Produktivitäts- und Wirtschaftlichkeitszentrum – ÖPWZ) until the end of 2003. From January 1, 2004 up to the present, the Austrian NMO has been the Austrian Society for Robotics and Automation (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Automatisierung und Robotertechnik – ÖGART), which is strongly supported by the IFAC Austria Advisory Board (IFAC Beirat Österreich).


Up to now more than 40 international IFAC events have been organized by the Austrian NMO.


Austria was also responsible for the foundation of the technical committee (TC) on Social Aspects of Automation, initiated 1969 by Fred Margulies; and the TC on Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability (SWIIS), founded in 1983 by Harold Chestnut and Peter Kopacek.


The IFAC Austria Advisory Board


The IFAC Austria Advisory Board (IFAC Beirat Österreich) is an informal group of specialists drawn from science, research, industry and other areas, and it has two main tasks:


1. Consulting in the field of automation for the government, for the civil society (including industry and trade unions) and for the scientific community in Austria.


2. Dissemination of knowledge in the field of automation (with special regard to all IFAC-related knowledge) within Austrian industry, especially within small- and medium-sized enterprises. Such knowledge is presented mainly at IFAC workshops, symposia and congresses. The results of these presentations are screened and distributed to Austrian companies, research institutes and interested persons according to their requirements. The IFAC Advisory Board Austria (IFAC Beirat Österreich) was financed by the Austrian government through 2012, and was transformed into an advisory board of the Austrian NMO (ÖGART) on January 1, 2013.