The Austrian Society for Automation and Robotics
(Österreichische Gesellschaft für Automation und Robotertechnik – ÖGART)


ÖGART was founded in February 2002 as a scientific association with  headquarter at the Technical University of Vienna. It is the legal parent of the IFAC Beirat Österreich. The purpose of this private non-profit society is the promotion of automation and robotics in the broadest senses of the words, in particular the development and spread of international research results within Austria with the help of comprehensive scientific analysis of the development of automation and robotics at home and abroad and by the implementation of the related empirical research activities, including the documentation and dissemination of relevant research results. As of 2012 ÖGART is also a member of the Austrian Computer Society, http://www.ocg.at

 Ways to  Meet the Goals of ÖGART

1. Implementation of research activities and related educational tasks, including the corresponding scientific publications and documentations.

2. Cooperation with relevant private and public national and international institutions (i.e. IFAC, IFR, IFORS, IMEKO and IARP).

3.  Individual promotion of and advisory support for members.

4. Promotion of continuing education in the area of automation and robotics and of technical development, including social and ecological implications by organizing relevant events and seminars.

5. Founding and supporting research institutions.

6. Public relations.


 Members of the Executive Board



IFAC-Beirat Austria /ÖGART
p/A  Oesterr. Computer Gesellschaft
A-1010 Wien, Wollzeile 1 - 3
Tel.: +43
680 3009948

E-mail: norbert.rozsenich(at)ifac-austria.at





        ZVR-Z:  691698352